General Data Protection Regulation information
This is information on how Kind Counselling Therapies addresses the protection of your information.
Sarah Whitehead is the Data Controller and is registered with the Information Commissioners Office.
Data is held in the following format by me in respect to clients.
Electronically on a PC/Smartphone basic details of name, address, email and phone number/WhatsApp (plus permission to send SMS and WhatsApp message and leave voice message), used only for purpose of contact for booking appointments.
It is not linked to any other information.
All of the data I keep and devices I use are password and fingerprint/face ID protected and backed up.
Additional Personal information I will collect:
Age and DOB
GP surgery name and address
Medical conditions and general health information
Prescribed medication
Legal basis for holding information
The legal reasons for which I hold your information is Legitimate interest.
I keep minimal handwritten session notes for my personal use to remind of therapeutic processes undertaken. These will be kept in a secure filing cabinet and separate from personal information.
Information about you will only be shared with someone else if there is immediate risk of substantial harm to self or others; or under legal requirements such a terrorism, drug money laundering; or via court order for disclosure. This will be outlined to you in the confidential part of our working agreement.
If your health is at risk (with your consent) I may share your contact information with an emergency healthcare service.
I will destroy session note and any personal data after 7 years by incineration. This is deemed acceptable and enables continuity of therapy if a client requires further support, or if any issues arise.
If the Young Person receiving therapy is under 16, records will be kept for 5 years after they turn 18. If the young person is 16 or over, the record will be kept for 7 years after their therapy has ended.
Under data protection law you have the right to access a copy of any personal data I hold about you.
You also have the right:
To be informed what information your therapist holds/have access to the privacy policy
To request correction or erasure, in certain circumstances.
To request limiting or ceasing data processing, where applicable.
I reserve the rights to make changes to this privacy policy at any time – if you are currently in therapy at Kind Counselling, I will send you notice of this via your agreed method of contact.